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Top Products For The Nursery and Bedroom

There are SO many baby products on the market that claim to help improve babies and children sleep better.

It can be hard (& waste of $) to weed out the quality, genuinely good products out there from the gimmicks.

For example, there is a certain type of weighted sleep sack that that claims its design will help your infant sleep through the night, but I can tell you that is not your answer. Sleep hygiene is and always will be the most important tool to a proper sleep. Instilling healthy sleep habits and helping your child to develop their independent sleeping skills is the only way to help them sleep through the night.

One aspect of good sleep hygiene is making sure your sleep environment is conducive to a good night’s sleep. And that’s where a good product can really help.

I’ve put together a list of my top approved products that will surely aid in sleep when used in conjunction with healthy sleep habits.

1. Black out blinds will always be my #1 recommended product. From newborn stage to

adulthood, this is a product to add to your bedroom for life. I recently tried Sleepout black out curtains and absolutely loved the hassle-free install and the quality of the curtain itself. Use my code Daniella10 to save $!

2. White noise machine. White noise has been studied a great deal with many peer-reviewed studies citing the benefits to sleep. *Refer to my past post on all my white noise machine research.

Yogasleep dohm is a quality product especially their travel version "Hushh"

which you can use in the car/stroller/hotel room anywhere!

3. Night light. Your toddler of 2yrs+ may ask for a night light one day, due to fear of the dark or even just because their sibling has one! Make sure the light is of a red or of a warm tone only – NO blue or LED lights! Blue light is known to disrupt our sleep cycles. A few sound machines actually have a night light built in with red colour option like The The Baby Dream Machine. I love this 5-in-1 device because it also is a cool mist humidifier which also benefits your child’s sleep when the sniffles come on.

4. A lovey is VERY helpful as a comfort item to your toddler. Do not underestimate the power of a beloved sleep companion. One is generally enough to do the job and there should be no risk of it turning into a ‘sleep prop’ if proper boundaries are established.

*Refer to my blog post on toddlers.

5. Bedtime books. I know this may seem like an obvious one but a calming bedtime story really help the send off into sleep. It is usually the next to last step in routine which induces the last bit of relaxation so picking an interactive lift the flap or superhero story would be counterproductive.

Lastly but most importantly: Sleep Education! Whether you are a new parent or on your 3rd, my programs teach the foundations of healthy sleep and how exactly to put them into practice for your specific family. From my Newborn Sleep Masterclass to my custom infant, toddler and child Sleep Plan programs, I have sleep solutions for your child ages 0-10 years old. So many of my clients and their little ones absolutely love bedtime with no more battles or tears. Just a happy wind-down with quality time to look forward to before they get into bed and do what their good at.

Book a complementary SLEEP EVALUATION call or contact me to learn a little more about how we work with families just like yours.

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